Magis Scholarship Program
The Magis Scholarship Program at Ateneo de Davao University Junior High School (ADDU-JHS) is dedicated to supporting academically outstanding students by offering an academic scholarship. This program is designed to assist qualified applicants in pursuing their basic education within the esteemed Jesuit tradition of excellence.
Grade 7 admission applicants who apply for Early Grade 7 Admissions from January 15-February 19, 2025 will be invited to take the Magis Scholarship Qualifying Test (MSQT). The results shall determine the recipients of the grant for the incoming school year.
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I. Qualification for Incoming Grade 7 Students via Magis Scholarship Qualification Test (MSQT)
There are NO SEPARATE APPLICATION FORMS for the Magis Scholarship Qualification Test (MSQT).
1. Interested incoming Grade 7 student must apply for the EARLY GRADE 7 ADMISSIONS from January 15, 2025-February 19, 2025. Apply for admission online HERE.
2. Receive an email invitation to take the Magis Scholarship Qualification Test (MSQT).
II. Qualification for Incoming Grades 8-10 Students:
There are NO APPLICATION/TESTING for Grades 8-10 old or transfer students.
a. Incoming Grades 8, 9, 10 Transfer Students are not eligible for the Magis Scholarship in the year of admission to ADDU JHS.
b. Incoming Grades 8, 9, 10 Old Students
i. Non-Magis Scholars: Non-Magis Scholars who achieve a Top 1 or Top 2 of the Batch Rank at the end of the school year are offered a Magis Scholarship for the next school year.
ii. Magis Scholars: The Magis Scholarship grant can be extended for the succeeding school years provided that the Grantee is able to comply with the conditions for renewal of the grant and is dependent on the final Batch Ranking of the current school year. Amount of grant for the next school year shall depend on their final Batch Ranking.
III. Awarding Of Magis Scholarship Grant
For incoming Grade 7 of School Year 2024-2025, the Magis Scholarship Grant shall be awarded to the Top Fifteen (15) Grade 7 Admission Applicants based on their MSQT results and to the Top 5 ADDU Grade School Graduates. The following grants shall be awarded:
Top 5: 100% Tuition Fee Discount
Top 10: 75% Tuition Fee Discount
Top 15: 50% Tuition Fee Discount
Top 5 ADDU Grade School Graduates:
Valedictorian & Salutatorian: 100% Tuition Fee and 100% Miscellaneous Fees Discount
First to Third Honorable Mention: 100% Tuition Fee and 50% Miscellaneous Fees Discount
Magis Scholarship Grants for Higher Grade Levels based on Batch Ranking:
Top 10: 100% Tuition Fee Discount
Top 20: 75% Tuition Fee Discount
Top 30: 50% Tuition Fee Discount
IV. Duration of Scholarship
The Magis Scholarship grant shall be for a duration of one (1) school year commencing on the first day of the school year and ending at the last day school day of the school year, unless earlier terminated due to failure to comply with the terms and conditions laid on this agreement.
Moreover, the grant can be extended for the succeeding years provided that the Grantee is able to comply with the conditions for renewal of the grant. However, the grant to be awarded for the succeeding year shall be dependent on the final Batch Ranking of the current school year.
Each grant under the Magis Scholarship Program is non-transferable to any other student nor convertible to cash.
V. Terms for Renewal
Agreement Conditions:
The Grantee may continue enjoying the scholarship in his/her succeeding years provided that he/she meets ALL the following requirements at the end of each school year in the Junior High School:
1. Must belong to the Top Thirty (30) of his/her batch at the end of the school year. The batch ranking is based on the data provided by the Registrar’s Office;
2. A final grade in the PROFICIENT (90% and above) level in all subject areas;
3. A final general average rating of at least PROFICIENT (90% and above);
4. A final deportment rating of EXCELLENT;
5. A final club grade of at least APPROACHING PROFICIENCY (82%-89%);
No record of violating any school rules that would merit a Suspension, Dismissal or Expulsion within the school year the grant is in effect.
Routine Visit to Wellness and Testing Center
The Grantee must have at least one (1) individual conference session per quarter with his/her guidance counselor assigned. The nature of the said individual conferences will be of academic counseling and monitoring of the scholar’s progress in the Ateneo de Davao University Junior High School.
VI. Leave of Absence
Leave of absence happens when the Grantee notifies that school of a long absence for reasons that are highly warranted by the school (e.g. medical reasons, etc.). This shall be supported by documents explaining the request.
The Grantee may be allowed to file for an official leave of absence subject only to the following conditions:
1. The leave is highly warranted. The Grantee must file the needed documents to support this.
2. The leave of absence does not exceed one (1) school year.
3. The amount of the grant given to the Grantee PRIOR to the allowed leave of absence will only be continued as soon as the Grantee files his/her letter of intent to resume his/her studies in the Ateneo de Davao University Junior High School.
However, if the leave of absence was granted AFTER the grant was already deducted from the Grantee’s official Statement of Account, there shall be no other amount deducted from the grantee’s official Statement of Account on the school year that he/she will be reinstated.
VII. Termination
The AdDU JHS reserves the right to terminate the privileges afforded by the Magis Scholarship Program based on any of the following causes:
1. The Grantee fails to meet any of the responsibilities and grade requirements set forth by this Scholarship Agreement.
2. The Grantee goes into absence without leave.
3. The Grantee commits grave misconduct and/or unethical behavior based on the code of discipline for students as specified in the Student Handbook.
4. The Grantee is convicted of any crime by court and/or any appropriate administrative body.
5. The Grantee commits any other act that may be considered by AdDU JHS as inimical to the name and/or interest of the Ateneo de Davao University; and, those that adversely affect the integrity of the Magis Scholarship Program.
VIII. Obligations of Parents / Guardians
Each parent / guardian of the Grantee is expected to abide by the following:
1. Monitors the academic progress of the Grantee as he/she goes through the rigors in AdDU JHS;
2. Converses with the moderator (and subject teachers as necessary) during Card Day;
3. Maintains regular correspondence with the Grantee’s moderator, subject teacher/s and/or other support personnel in the AdDU JHS;
4. Assumes financial liabilities that the Grantee may incur while under this Scholarship Agreement in favor of the AdDU JHS and other persons;
5. Takes care of the medical and other related expenditures in cases of sickness, disability, or death of the aforementioned Grantee;
6. Absolves the AdDU JHS from any financial and legal obligations in cases of accident or death arising from activities not sanctioned by the AdDU JHS;
7. Provides other financial expenditures which are not covered by the Scholarship Agreement;
8. Helps in the moral, spiritual, intellectual and psycho-social development of the Grantee; and,
9. Reimburses the AdDU JHS the full cost of the scholarship if the Grantee willfully abandons the Scholarship Program.
IX. Scholarship Agreement
The parents/legal guardian of the grantee and the school shall sign a scholarship agreement based on all the terms and conditions of the scholarship program.