Grant-in-Aid (G.I.A.) Scholarship Program

The Grant-in-Aid (GIA) Scholarship Program is financial aid type of scholarship dedicated to providing financial assistance to intellectually capable students facing financial challenges, who aspire to receive a Jesuit education at Ateneo de Davao University Junior High School (ADDU-JHS).

Applications undergo thorough screening, deliberation, and allocation by the Scholarship and Aid Committee. Recommendations regarding GIA matters are then presented to the Principal.

Notification of application results, whether accepted or denied, will be communicated to applicants via email. It is important to note that an annual renewal process is required for this scholarship.


  • Start of GIA Applications: To Be Announced (TBA)

  • Deadline of New/Renewal Online Application Form: TBA

  • Deadline of Recommendations & Requirements Submissions: TBA

  • Interviews, Deliberations, Home Visits, and Releasing of Results: TBA

Application Process

Important: Refer to Eligibility Criteria before proceeding with application.

Step #1: Send G.I.A. Online Recommendation Form link to two (2) recommenders of choice.

Step #2: Prepare all requirements to be uploaded in the GIA Online Application Form.

Step #3: Answer the GIA Online Application Form

Step #4 Wait for confirmation email, updates, and results.


For onsite application, you may visit the AAAAO at the ADDU JHS Matina Campus. Bring complete requirements.

Eligibility Criteria


Incoming Grade 7 and transferees & Old Students may apply if the following conditions are met:

a) Student must be a Filipino citizen who is currently residing in Davao City

b) Incoming Grade 7 and transferees must be OFFICIALLY ADMITTED to ADDU JHS with an Admission Notice of Acceptance (NOA) before applying for a Grant-in-Aid Scholarship. For more info on admission or to apply online, visit

c) Family income must not exceed the Php 500,000 per annum threshold for a family with one (1) child. Additional Php 50,000 every additional child.

d) Grade Requirement:

– Final Average of each subject of at least 85%
– Final General Average rating:

Incoming Grade 7: at least 85%
Incoming Grade 8: at least 86%
Incoming Grade 9: at least 87%
Incoming Grade 10: at least 88%

– Final Deportment Rating of at least 90.00% or Excellent

*For report cards with non-numeric grades, kindly request your school registrar to directly forward the numerical equivalent of your grades to the Admissions, Aid, and Alumni Affairs Office via email or hard copy.


GIA scholars of SY 2024-2025 may apply for GIA scholarship renewal for SY 2025-2026 if ALL conditions are met:

a) S.Y.2024-2025 Obligations have been COMPLIED:

i) Scholarship Agreement for SY2024-2025 is signed by parent/guardian on or before end of GIA application deadline. Visit the Admissions, Aid, and Alumni Affairs Office personally during office hours to sign the agreement.

ii) Individual Conference Log (ICL) Card is submitted to AAAAO at the end of the school year.

LOST ICL? Send an EXCUSE LETTER via email to with the subject “ICL EXCUSE LETTER – LAST NAME”.  Include the name of the scholars, SY2425 grade level and section,  list of individual conferences, and name of guidance counselor. The list of conferences is subject to verification with the Wellness and Testing Center (WTC).

Important: Failure to comply with these obligations disqualifies the scholar from applying for renewal.

Requirements for New Applications

1. Two (2) Recommendations

– It is a separate online form to be accomplished by your recommenders of choice.

– G.I.A. Online Recommendation Form Link:

– Inform and Send the link to two (2) recommenders of choice

– Choose from any of the following: Guidance Counselor/Class Moderator/Subject Teacher of the previous school year
Religious Leader/Barangay Captain/Purok Leader

– Applicant must have the full name, email address and contact number of the recommenders of choice (to be inputted in the G.I.A. online application form).

Prepare a clear and high quality photo of the following requirements and upload everything in the GIA Application Form:

IMPORTANT: In case the requirements are not ready by June 15, 2024, please upload blank photos. Submit your final requirements via email to with the subject: GIA REQUIREMENTS – LAST NAME

Deadline of Recommendations & Requirements: Saturday, July 6, 2024

2. Latest ID photo with white background
3. Official Report Card from last grade level attended or alternative documents

Alternative Documents:

Upload both:
A) Official Report Card from SY 2022-2023 and
B) Latest Available Report Card from SY 2023-2024

Once the report card is available, email it to Application shall not be processed until the final report card is not submitted before the given deadline. Consequently, the grant will not be awarded if final grades do not meet grade requirements.

The report card must not be cropped and blurry. It must show the school name, applicant’s name, grade level and section, Principal’s name and signature and other important details.

4. Clear Photo of Annual Income Tax Return Certificate (ITR for 2023) of BOTH PARENTS or alternative documents

– Family income must not exceed the Php 500,000 per annum threshold for a family with one (1) child; Additional Php 50,000 every additional child)

Alternative Documents:

a. For Parents with LOW INCOME: Upload a B.I.R. Certification of No Income or Exemption from filing the ITR. You can request this document from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (B.I.R.). Barangay Certification is NOT accepted.

b. For OFW Parents: Upload the Certificate of Employment indicating the Salary/Wages Received or Overseas Employment Certificate issued by Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA).

Important: Virtual employees based in the Philippines are NOT considered OFWs.

5. Bills (between February – June 2024)

4.1 Two (2) Consecutive Electricity Bills

4.2Two (2) Consecutive Water Bills

– Bills must reflect address of applicant

6. Recent and clear full view/wide angle photo of the following:

5.1. Front of the whole house which includes the house number

If residing in a building, condominium, or apartment, please submit a photo of the whole building.

5.2. Kitchen (main and dirty kitchen with the refrigerator in the photo)
5.3. Sleeping area of applicant

7. Photo of Sketched map of the applicant’s residence