Basic Ed Web Portal

Alternative Link:

I. What is the Basic Ed Web Portal?

The Basic Ed Web Portal is website that allows users (officially enrolled students and their parents/guardians) to VIEW the following:

1. Statement of Account from Finance

2. Report Card

3. Disciplinary Ledger

4. Medical History Form

5. Student Clearance Status

III. How to Login?

1. Visit (Alternative link:

2. Choose the School Year

3. Input the Student/User Code.

4. Input the Password.

5. Click Log-in

Note: A Forget Password link is available for old users to access.

First Time Users:

a) Student/User Code: 5 or 6 digit code seen below the student’s name in the official report card. You may call the Registrar’s Office for assistance on your Student Code at (082) 2992404 local 4307 during office hours.

b) Password: Student’s Birthdate in the format MMDDYYYY (e.g. January 31, 2005, password is 01312005)